About CFA Society Sweden

Founded in 2003, CFA Society Sweden is a not-for-profit association of investment professionals based in Sweden and in some of the surrounding countries. We also welcome as members Swedish professionals living abroad as well as other interested individuals/parties that wish to support our society.

We strive to offer valuable services to our members, provide a national forum for ideas exchange, raise awareness of the CFA Program, support CFA candidates, advocate the interests of the Swedish investment community with national and European regulatory authorities, and actively participate in all relevant committees of CFA Institute.

CFA Society Sweden contributes to the Swedish investment community by bringing:

  • Communication: CFA Society Sweden acts as a focal point for enquiries regarding CFA Institute, the CFA Program and related issues
  • Professionalism: CFA Society Sweden promotes a high degree of professionalism among its members and in the broader investment community
  • Ethics: CFA Society Sweden promotes a high level of ethical/professional conduct. Adherence to the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct is a mandatory requirement for members of both CFA Institute and CFA Society Sweden
  • Education: CFA Society Sweden encourages continuing education e.g. by arranging educational seminars and by providing support to CFA candidates at all levels
  • Global outlook: CFA Society Sweden provides a link to global investment practitioners, many of whom are leaders in their field

Our Mission

To promote the highest standards of professional excellence, ethics and education for the betterment of the investment professionals and the finance industry in Sweden.



CFA Society Sweden is a Swedish not for profit organisation, and National Society Member of CFA Institute. CFA Society Sweden is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, elected by the Annual Members Meeting. The Board has a good cross section of members, male and female, with complementing business experience. Directors are expected to attend Board meetings and social events

Code of Ethics & Standards of Professional Conduct

First created in the 1960s, and fundamental to our values, the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct is the ethical benchmark for investment professionals around the globe, regardless of job title, cultural differences, or local laws. All of our members and CFA Program candidates must adhere to the Code and Standards.


The Bylaws of CFA Society Sweden are the rules given to us by our Members in order to pursue the purposes of our society. The attached version was amended by the Board of Directors in 2014 to better reflect the accountability of the Board.  The bylaws were approved by the Annual Members Meeting in September 2022.

Board Directives

The Board Directives outline what the principal functions of the Board are, including Compliance Oversight, Direction Setting, Financial Oversight, Human Resource Stewardship, Performance Evaluation, Risk Management, and Stakeholder Relations. The Board Directives establish the Committee structure, authorities and assignments of the Board. The current Board Directives were approved by the Board on October 29, 2019.


Annual Reports

Board Rotation Policy

The purpose of the Rotation Policy is to ensure that the Board is composed, at all times,  of persons who collectively are fit and proper to direct the Society’s business with prudence, integrity and professional skills. The current Board Rotation and Succession Policy was approved by the Board on January 12, 2012.

Nomination Committee

The purpose of this independent Committee is to submit to the AGM a proposal for a President of the Board, other Board Members and an independent Auditor.

Annual General Meeting

The AGM reviews the past year and deals with legal issues such as assessment of the annual accounts and election of the Board for the next 12 months. It is the event where members can exercise their right to ask the board of directors questions pertaining to the society’s health and strategy. 

The most recent AGM documents are found below.: