Certificate in ESG Investing

Interested in accelerating your career? With the Certificate in ESG Investing, you can master real-world investing skills, incorporating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors in your skillset.

Read about changes to the 2023 ESG Curriculum before you register.

Certificate in ESG Investing


The CFA Institute Certificate in ESG Investing offers you both practical application and technical knowledge in the fast-growing field of ESG investing — an opportunity to both accelerate progress and demonstrate purpose.

The certificate and learning materials were developed by leading practitioners for practitioners, and have been recognized by the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), an independent body that seeks to encourage investors to use responsible investment to enhance returns and better manage business risks.

The Certificate in ESG Investing is owned, administered, and awarded globally by CFA Institute having previously been developed and awarded by CFA Society UK.

Learn more about the Certificate in ESG Investing curriculum >

Who Should Register?

This certificate is designed for investment practitioners who want to learn more about how to analyze and integrate material ESG factors into their day-to-day roles. It is suitable for anyone working in front or back offices and adjacent roles — including sales and distribution, wealth management, product development, financial advice, consulting, risk — as well as anyone looking to improve their understanding of ESG issues.

We recommend you have a foundational knowledge of the investment process, whether achieved through formal qualification or through experience.

Exam Fees and Scheduling

You can register for the Certificate in ESG Investing for US$795.

Once registered, you will have 6 months to sit for your exam. You are responsible for scheduling your own exam appointment.

Exam format

The CFA Institute Certificate in ESG Investing exam consists of 100 multiple choice questions.

To be completed within 2 hours and 20 minutes:
Section 1: Exam Questions
Section 2: End of Exam Notification
Section 3: Survey

Administered in person at test centers in select markets*

Online proctoring is available, depending on local regulations and system capability

Study Time

CFA Institutes recommends you devote about 100+ hours of study time to achieve the Certificate in ESG Investing. In practice, investment professionals who are familiar with investment valuation and the concept of ESG have experienced a high success rate with fewer hours of study.

When you register, you will have access to the Learning Ecosystem, which includes the following resources:

The syllabus
Digital version of the curriculum
Self-assessment questions
Mock exam

Become a Member of CFA Society Sweden

To help you prepare for the Certificate in ESG Investing, CFA Society Sweden provides a forum to help pace your study time and find others who are preparing the exam concurrently.

Once you have passed the Certificate in ESG Investing, you may become a local member of CFA Society Sweden and benefit from continuous education session on the topic of ESG investing as well as a broad range of other investment-related topics, including ethics. You will also be invited to our regular network gatherings where you will be able to exchange ideas and find answers to your questions with other members.

Study Groups

CFA Society Sweden is keen to support candidates that want to organize or join study groups for the Certificate in ESG Investing. Joining a study group is an effective resource in preparing for the exam. These groups will be informal in nature and the ability of CFA Society Sweden to assist in setting them up is dependent on the interest we get from candidates. If you are planning to take the CFA exam, consider organizing or joining a study group.

If you are interested, please send an email to info@cfasweden.se stating your name, telephone number and the exam you are preparing.

Preparatory Courses

Every year, CFA Society Sweden tries to coordinate with external providers of Prep Courses in order to provide a short overview of the options available to help you prepare the exam most effectively.

Other Events

As a CFA candidate in Sweden, you have access to a large network of investment professionals, through contact with current candidates/future CFA charterholders as well as with current charterholders.

We regularly arrange a number of both professional and more informal social events where you can freely discuss any issues with CFA Charter holders and members of the Society.


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