CFA Society Sweden – Virtual Research Challenge 2021

CFA Society Sweden is pleased to announce that Linköping university has won the Swedish CFA Research Challenge 2021. The winning team members, including Ludwig Andersson, Felix Gratte, Paulina Hansson, Fredrik Svensson and William Stignäs, have delivered a written buy recommendation on Skanska AB and presented it to a panel of distinguished graders and judges from the investment community. The winning team was mentored by Catarina Ihre, financial consultant, and had guidance from their faculty advisor Öystein Fredriksen, Assistant Professor Linköping University.

This year’s CFA Research Challenge was hosted by Karin Larsson, Board Member of CFA Society Sweden. “It is inspiring to host the CFA Research Challenge, in which the most promising rising stars within equity research take part. It takes time, commitment and collaboration to end up in the final, and all teams have proven that they got the qualities needed to be successful equity analysts. Well done to all students and big congratulations to the winning team!”

The Board of CFA Society Sweden would like to thank all the volunteers and sponsors that made this year’s competition a great success:
  • Mentors: John Afzelius (CFO at, Catarina Ihre (Financial consultant), Marcela Klang (Deputy Head of Equity Research at Handelsbanken Capital Markets), Alf Riple (Chief Analyst at Västra Hamnen Corporate Finance), Mark Shay (Senior Partner at Accendo Capital) and Alexandra Voss (Director, Investment Strategy at IPM).
  • Graders: Carl Bertilsson (Portfolio Manager at Didner & Gerge), Stefan Ericsson (Pareto AM) and Mats Waldemarsson (Investment Strategist at Swedbank).
  • Judges: Fredrik Ahlin (Senior Investment Manager at If P&C Insurance), Andreas Brock (Portfolio Manager at Coeli Global), Thomas Brodin (Partner, Investment Manager at Cliens Kapitalförvaltning) and Erik Karlsson (Investment professional at CapeView Capital).
  • Sponsors: Handelsbanken Capital Markets, Refinitiv and KaplanSchweser.
  • Skanska AB: André Löfgren, Senior Vice President Investor Relations and Annika Winlund, Investor Relations Officer.
Finally, we would like to thank all the students and faculty advisors. The following Swedish universities were represented in the CFA Institute Research Challenge:
  • KTH Royal Institute of Technology
  • Linköping University
  • University West
  • Mälardalen University
  • Lund University

About Research Challenge:The CFA Institute RESEARCH CHALLENGE offers students the unique opportunity to learn from leading industry experts and compete with peers from the world’s top finance and business programs. This annual educational initiative promotes best practices in equity research among the next generation of analysts through hands-on mentoring and intensive training in company analysis and presentation skills. The challenge gathers students, investment professionals, publicly traded companies and corporate sponsors together locally for a real world competition on a global scale. 

Click here for more information.

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